Piper’s Birth Story Part 1

I’ve contemplated for months now if I wanted to share this story.  Ultimately I decided that I did because if hearing my birth story helps one woman to feel more comfortable with the whole giving birth process then its a win.  If just one person has less anxiety...
Products You’ll Love for your Newborn

Products You’ll Love for your Newborn

After 10 weeks of motherhood I’m realizing that I bought waaay to much shit.  Seriously, we own half of Buy Buy Baby, its borderline ridiculous.  But as a crazy hormonal pregnant woman I felt like I needed everything and I wanted to have everything bought and...
Blood, Fear, Sex… Is all of this really normal for being pregnant?

Blood, Fear, Sex… Is all of this really normal for being pregnant?

For me, there is no greater experience than being a mom. Seriously, these past six weeks with Piper have been amazing, exhausting, but amazing.  Its been a little bit of an experiment trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t.  You have to be able to go...
Happy Birthday to Me – Why 30 is going to be the best year yet!

Happy Birthday to Me – Why 30 is going to be the best year yet!

Tomorrow is my 30th birthday.  I used to be scared of this birthday, I thought it would make me “old.” But somewhere along the way I’ve found myself not dreading being 30, but embracing my age and being nothing but grateful for what life has brought...